Saturday, March 30, 2013

The mistake with Adam (his) & Eve (her)

Would it surprise if we grew in awareness to see FROM ANOTHER perspective that the male of our species are actually the females and the female are really the males. This is just a wild exploration and my opinion.

Recently I've been giving it a lot of thought. I own a few beautiful male beta fishes (known as fighting fish for their aggressive and territorial nature). The female of their species is plain and dull, much like man in our simplicities. However, the male of their species is often beautiful and flamboyant. Though they don’t give birth, I played around with the image inside my head, that this is why the female of our species are so gorgeous. Not that we don’t have gorgeous men mind you to include myself but our beauty pageant don’t typically center on the men. So that got me to thinking…could the females of the human race be in fact the “males.” Even some bird species have there males as beautiful and flamboyant while the females look ever so plain. In our species, could we have the gender names of “It’s a boy!” on the wrong genitals? In other words, could females be those who have been bearing life, really be our males? Could the women of our species be compared to the male sea horse, which bears its young?

These thoughts lead me to the Bible. I went to the very beginning and explored the book of Genesis. What struck me was this. Seen from a different perspective, could God, by all accounts, be a female? (Genesis 1:26) If this is plausible, it would stand to reason that making man in their own image would imply it’s from the female of itself that the male image of God was therefore created from.  Verse 27: “So God created man in his own image,” meaning She created more copies of man from the original created man. Therefore, I’ve concluded that God is female! After all, science shows us that all species begin as females and then the penis arrives afterwards if it’s to be a “male”. After all, its women that gives birth. Still, could it be that what we have been calling “woman” might invariably be “man?” Hmmm, I wonder if this relates to our recent gender confusion. Let’s think on this. If our species were created out of the womb of “man” -who I see as females by the way- how would this make our “woman” appear? To me, our females are flamboyant males! They are like the beautiful male beta’s fish, the beautiful male peacocks and those beautiful male birds of paradise. Remember, like male sea horses, they give birth to our species. Something interesting to open your mind to is this: Genesis 2:2 “And on the seventh day God ended “his” (meaning her) work which “he” (meaning her) had made…

Examples of extravagant males:

  • ·         The peacock, best known for the male's extravagant eye-spotted tail, which it displays as part of courtship.    
  • ·         Bird of Paradise (BOD) is a tropical bird known for the brilliant plumage of the male.
  • ·         Beauty and make up is to our “females” as it is the peacock and BOD.

Sounds familiar? If our women were compared to some birds with all their extravagantness, they’d be the males. So, if you are a man reading this, I leave you with this question: Who’s to say that women are not the males of our species? 

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